A new spectacular CIIE-themed light show is held in Lujiazui financial district of east China's Shanghai Municipality from Nov 4 to 10, 2020.
Добавлено: 28 января 2021 в 01:29We are honored to participate in this event again! This time more high power lasers installed on Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Shanghai Tower. For more info pls visit www.kolo-laser.com. Email us at sales@kolo-laser.com. Or call +86-13714689979 for direct communication. 为迎接第三届进口博览会,2020年11月4日至10日,进博会主题光影秀在黄浦江畔全新亮相,时长约5分钟。 皓龙激光非常荣幸连续两年助力进博会的盛大开幕。 转载人民日报版光影秀完整版本。 DE691003709 Категория: Наука и техника Теги: 2019, Kolo Laser, 100W, RGB, Китай Похожее видео
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