Doctor Who - The Ballad of Russell and Julie

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Видео от Дэвида Тэннанта (10й Доктор), Кэтрин Тейт (спутница Доктора) и Джона Бэрроумана (Капитан Джек) в знак благодарности Расселу Т Дэвису и Джули Гарднер за их прекрасную работу над сериалом.

A Ballad to Russell & Julie
Written by Jennie Fava

Julie and Russell sat one night
Russell sparked up a Marlborough Light
Julie's eyes were all ablaze
As Russell tried to shun her gaze

He knew that look. He knew the score.
It seemed more manic than before.
Russell cringed in fear and dread
As Julie pulled him near and said:

Lets do it! Lets do it,
I've had a really good idea.
We'll re-vamp
Make more camp
A sci-fi show from yester-year
I've had banter
With Tranter
Your written word will be hailed in the ming mong mantra.
Lets do it. Lets do it tonight.

But he said:
I can't do it. I can't do it.
You're asking far too much of me
I'm harassed
I've watched the show since I was three.
Don't choose me.
Don't use me.
Me mother sent a note to say you must excuse me.
I can't do it. I can't do it tonight.

So she said:
Lets do it! Lets do it,
Make a brand new Doctor Who
We've got Chris in
All's missing
Is his sidekick and an all Welsh crew
It's not silly
To ask Billie
We'll film in every quarry from here to Caerphilly
Lets do it. Lets do it tonight.

But he said:
I can't do it. I can't do it.
The pressure of the BBC
Must email
Some young male
To alleviate the stress on me
Can't block out
Please lock out
Images of Johnny B getting his cock out
I can't do it. I can't do it tonight.

So she said
Lets do it! Lets do it,
... »»»
Добавлено: 2 ноября 2011 в 11:20
Категория: Кино и телевидение
Теги: Доктор Кто, Doctor Who
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