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аватар Azuma_Reiji 111 | 0
53 видео   75 постов   2 друга
Song: Asobi Seksu - Walk On The Moon
Anime: Kanon (TV - 2006) & Original Live Action
Author: koopiskava (koop)
Studio: Random Destination Studios

От автора:
I love this video.
I hate this video.
I love/hate this video.

It’s been so long since I started this..

If you’ve not seen Kanon, this video will probably go over your head. Actually, even if you had seen Kanon, this video probably won’t make much sense either. Maybe. Depends on how you look at it.

Here’s a bit of a summary on the video.

In Kanon, on the last episode, one of the female characters (Shiori) asks the lead male character (Yuuchi), “Have you ever wondered that perhaps we were living in someone else’s dream?” That is where the concept of this video is based on, along with the usage of the live-action.

I started this back in May of 2007, and have revised it endlessly since then. Of course, I had to wait till winter set in to do a lot of the filmed shots, as Kanon is a winter-based anime. Ever since then, I’ve had a love/hate relationship with this video. I’ve put a lot of love and effort (almost killing me even) into this video regardless.

Anyways, if you want to know more about this video, and there is a lot to say, here is a link to a text document which goes further into everything about this video. Please feel free to give it a read. Though if you choose to, I suggest reading it after watching the video.

But anyways, enough chit-chat. Please enjoy the video! O:

Note - If you saw a version of this v... »»»
Добавлено: 9 мая 2011 в 21:51
Теги: amv, anime, koop, koopiskava, random destination studios
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