Обсуждение видео «Забота о бездомных» 8

  • мне тоже нужна... забота.
  • Они уже совсем *банулись...
  • Прагинившый запад!!11! Савсем распустилесь!1!!Никакой ментальнасти!1!
  • от автора
    Once again, the comments section of a YouTube video is filled with overly vocal idiots who fail to grasp the meaning of any subject matter that is not 100% denotative and literal in its delivery. Let me qualify my statement:
    1) This video is not "making fun of homeless people" at all, the only thing homeless people are being accused of is enjoying a hand job, something which is completely normal and obvious -- especially when one considers the fact that almost EVERYONE enjoys handjobs. Oh wow, they are taking pleasure in a pleasurable act? HOW OFFENSIVE! <-- Major sarcasm
    2) This video is clearly making fun of the people who try to help homeless people in meaningless and unproductive ways, NOT THE HOMELESS THEMSELVES. In many modern societies, there are numerous groups which attempt to help the homeless by providing them with luxary/entertainment items instead of basic neccessities which they often need (food, water, shelter, etc). In this particular case, the uneccesary luxary item is the handjob.
    3) Remember, just because a video has homeless people in it, that does not mean that they are neccesarily being attacked. This video is a satire of a charity organization commercial, and as such, all of the supposed negative portrayals of homeless people are intended to further humiliate organizations like the fake "H4H" organization shown in the video.

    So did I think the satire was any good? Not really, but they definitely weren't making fun of the homeless. It's not very funny to most, I get that, but you're crazy if you think that this is offensive to homeless people.
    Rant over?

    п.с. видео 2009 года) возрадуемся свежести
  • вскоре и полнометражный фильм на всех просторах инета,забыли сказать )))
  • Дибильные пендосы.
  • ХАхахахах, мля, проснулись, такой жанр в порно даже есть.
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