• аватар
    Alastago  ○  10:57 25.06.2013 удалено
  • Преподавал я как-то в школе. Большая часть преподов по этому закону живёт уже лет 20. Говорить правду и заставлять детей поразмыслить над ВОВ - антипатриотично, и чуть ли не преступление.

    С принятием этого закона в школу будут идти только отбросы из выпускников педагогических вузов. Нормальный историк всегда радеет за правду.
  • One of the first towns taken by the Soviets was Nemmersdorf, in the Gumbinnen district of East Prussia. It was only because German forces succeeded in recapturing this town a short time later that the world was able to learn how Soviet troops had set about brutally raping females of all ages, and slaughtering the old men, women and children there. The fortunate ones were shot out of hand. Many were clubbed or hacked to death. After being raped, naked women were nailed to doors in crucifix positions. In one case, a group of refugees was crushed under Soviet tanks.
    A. de Zayas, Nemesis, pp. 61-65.
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